Interceptive orthodontics recognize and eliminate potential irregularities as soon as they are detected, typically before the adult teeth have grown fully. Modern orthodontists now keep permanent teeth, with phased interceptive orthodontics. In interceptive orthodontics, children are treated at much earlier ages . It is recommended that every child have an orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7 or 8.
Interceptive treatment is fundamental to reduce the severity of a developing malocclusion. 2 by 4 appliance is a great way to treat both types of crossbite. 2 by 4 appliance is an orthodontic tool, very similar looking to braces. The appliance itself is fixed and works based on an easy activation.
Initially, the fixed device uses four brackets bonded onto the new maxillary permanent incisors. At the same time, two bands of the device are cemented with a wire holding the device together to support the teeth even further. Sometimes, your doctor may also use rubber tubing and coil springs to ensure the brackets and bands proper placement.